Twitter / Jwebbfuze

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I had an Amazing night, with an Amazing girl, and the best group of friends I could ask for. The only way I can describe it is with short word bursts.

Work, Work, Work
Ice fight
Tampered water
Crazy friends
Beautiful girl
Had an adventure
Forgot my fish
Forgot about it
Loud noises
Mountain Climbing
Afraid of heights
So am I
Shooting stars, Wishes
Wishes coming true
Loud noises
Cotton hauling
"Sleep" Talking
Heart Skipping

"As the song spun, so did the room, as they hold hands all of the lights start to flicker, playing it safe, he kissed her cheek..." -Houston Calls

Amazing, Absolutely Amazing<3

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Some reasoning

You see, I have this problem. It's rather hard to explain and likely even harder for you to understand. I have a problem with commitment; what guy doesn't, right? "He must have daddy issues." Haha... yeah that's it... Daddy issues, I wish it was that easy, you know? To just blame everything on one person and never actually take any blame on yourself, but then where's the point in that? Why bother living if you can't even slap your name next to EVERY action you take; EVERY move you make. No, my problems are much simpler than that. You see, there was this girl once. She was quite amazing. The problem was that she held my heart in her hands and one day she wasn't paying attention and, like a clumsy girl, dropped it, where it shattered. Sort of like Humpdy Dumpdy... only I didn't have a group of kings horses and Kings men to put me back together again. Instead, I had a group of friends of which mean the world to me, and they, single handedly put me back together and hold me there in one piece. It's amazing the amount of control we give to our friends, or even girls for that matter. As the story goes, she dropped my heart and now I have a hard time allowing people into my life because, believe it or not, hearts are not easy to glue back together.