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Sunday, December 5, 2010


A mans pants are his true best friend. A good friend that he bonds with every morning before he starts his day. The last thing he says goodnight to when he sleeps. His pants are there for the good times and the bad. His pants come along to meet perspective girls and stands down when they might get in the way. A Guy only washes a good pair when necessary, afraid a memory might be lost. They hold the days tools in each pocket ready to help out when they can. They shelter him from the weather and hold tight when he's cold. And when the man dies, he is buried with his pants so that they may start the next journey together.

Pants are a mans best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, what inspired this one Jeremy? How silly :) You were right though, I did enjoy it.
    I liked: "And when the man dies, he is buried with his pants so that they may start the next journey together." the best :)
